
音标/读音 ['simpli]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 简单地, 只是, 简直, 简朴地, 坦白地

r. absolutely; altogether; really



There simply is what is, and that is it.

只有简单的存在 本就那样

And the idea that somehow it wasn't just one or two individuals who were at the root of the problem, it was a systemic problem, that actually almost everyone who participated was in some way guilty, either of outright negligence or simply failing to ask the right questions, or simply failing to ask why money was so cheap for so many years.

然而实际上 并非只有问题源头的 一两个人有关系 这是一个系统性问题 实际上几乎所有 参与其中的人都有不同方面的过错 有些是完全的疏忽 有些只是没有问出正确的问题 有些只是没有想想 为什么这么多年来 钱越来越不值钱

I have not sold you. It is simply this.

我没有出卖你们 仅此而已

I am simply I, and I cannot be labeled.

我就是我 无法被贴标签的我

I don't know why you simply didn't own up about it.


Because they simply don't know what it is.


She was here, now she is simply not here.

她曾经存在 现在没了 仅此而已

But sometimes, I simply can't be there for him.

但有时 我没法陪在他身边

We cannot simply destroy a semiconscious being.


He simply doesn't have the political capital.
