
音标/读音 [bein]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 祸根, 毒药, 灭亡的原因, 灭亡
[医] 毒物, 毒, 毒药

n. something causing misery or death



It's literally the bane of our life.


It's the bane of my existence, and I hate it.

这是我的痛苦之源 我特别讨厌

This is honestly I think this is this is the bane of my existence.

说真的 我觉得 我简直想死

This damn bear is the bane of my existence.


The bane of my ninth grade lit class.


He was wild, kooky, and the bane of my dad's existence.

他狂野 古怪 是我爸的痛苦之源

Bane wants you to join that mission with us.


Brother, my soul endures him not, and he's the bane of all my hopes of greatness.

兄弟 我的灵魂再也忍受不了他了 他毁了我所有变伟大的希望

Murphy and his henchmen have been the bane of my existence for six months.

这六个月来 墨菲和他的追随者令我头疼

Bane's the judge? I promise you'll get a fair shake.

贝恩是法官 我保证你们会被秉公审判