
音标/读音 ['ʌp'taun]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 非中心区, 住宅区
a. 住宅区的

n. a residential part of town away from the central commercial district
a. of or located in the upper part of a town
r. toward or in the upper part of town



I'm supposed to be uptown looking down on all this.


Now they've gone uptown and it's all them from who knows where down here.

现在他们都到富人区去了 大家都是从他们那里知道这里的

She'll go perfect with the place uptown.


And I'll need any blueprints you have of the uptown jail.


Spot in the quarter first, then uptown.

先去街角的点 再去上城区

Hey, girl, I came all the way uptown for this.

姑娘 我可是跑了一整个住宅区来这还你手机

I'm thinking of somewhere uptown, old school.

我想找離市區遠一點 老派一點的地方

He says he worked the gambling car with you uptown.

他告诉我了 和你一起去居民区办的赌博车案

You told me he was uptown. I guess he came back.

你说他去上城区了 那就是回来了

He lives in the city, has a coffee cart uptown.

他就在本市 在上城经营咖啡车