
音标/读音 [ˈhedhʌntɪŋ]
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◎ 单词释义

v. 出外猎取人头( headhunt的现在分词 )



I'm not here to headhunt you at your place of work.


The issue is I want a girlfriend, not a headhunter.

问题是我要的是女朋友 不是猎头人

Hard to believe we're the first ones to headhunt you.


Anyway, he has this headhunter helping him find a job.

总之 他拜托了一位猎头给他找工作

I'm not sitting at some shitty *okey bar to headhunt.


A skull shrine evidence of the island's headhunting past.

头盖骨砌成的圣坛 见证了这座小岛猎头的历史

Meantime, I'm getting headhunted by this corporate security gig.

同时 有个企业的安保部门看上我了

And they don't use outside headhunters, and I'm not gonna charge you directly if you get the gig.

他们不用外部猎头 你要是拿到了 我不能直接向你收费

Till the headhunters I hired get off their asses and find me a solid gig.

等我雇的猎头公司 帮我找到好的工作之后再说

I'll be handing it off to the headhunters next week, but if any of them want to get a head start, let me know.

我下周的时候会让猎头去找 但如果他们有人想先开始 告诉我