
音标/读音 ['dʒemә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 芽, 无性芽, 芽体
[医] 芽, 微胶粒, 分子团

n. small asexual reproductive structure in e.g. liverworts and mosses that detaches from the parent and develops into a new individual



Gemma, I can't... I could find out.

珍玛 我不... 我能查出来

Gemma, this is not about free stuff.

杰玛 我并不是看中这些免费的东西

Gemma, he's 15 and he's what, too busy? I'm his dad.

珍玛 他才15岁就这么忙吗 我是他爸爸

Gemma, this is going to work. I promise.

杰玛 这会管用的 我保证

Gemma, you didn't make us do anything.

杰玛 你没有让我们做任何事

Gemma, I'm not taking that moose head down.

杰玛 我不会把驼鹿头拿下来的

Gemma, we are not gonna stoop to his level.

杰玛 我们不能像他一样低级

Gemma's eggnog is all egg and no nog.

杰玛的蛋酒全是蛋 没有酒

Gemma's mates. It must have all kicked off after we left.

Gemma的朋友 我们离开后派对肯定一团糟

Gemma suggested that we get him something educational.
