
音标/读音 [.hʌlәbә'lu:]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 喧嚣, 喧哗, 吵闹

n disturbance usually in protest



The media hullabaloo would've been more than enough to make her step down.

本来*压力就足够 让她下台

I was looking forward to causing a big hullabaloo and getting myself arrested.

我还想大闹一场 让自己被逮捕呢

I was scared of the honking hullabaloo of traffic, and I was even scared of the air.

我害怕交通的鸣笛喧哗 我甚至害怕空气

They both left the building, though, at different times during the evacuation hullabaloo.

但她们在不同时间 趁楼里疏散 一片闹哄哄时离开了