
音标/读音 [tʃә:p]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 喳喳声, 唧唧声
v. 吱喳而鸣

n. a sharp sound made by small birds or insects



We think that each one of these chirps contains a nounlike word and it also contains adjectivelike words, which describe the colour, the size, and all of that is put together into one of these single chirps, pretty much the same way that we would put together a sentence.

我们认为每一声叫唤都包含了类似于名词的东西 同时也包含了形容词 用来描述颜色 大小 所有这些 都被包含进了简单的一声叫唤中 就像我们平时所说的一句话

And that chirp you do when you want more bread.


Keeps chirping that's how you know.

一直在叫 这是没电的现象

We still have individual chirps, but they have no definition to them.

我们看到的仍是单个的叫声 但完全没有任何定义在其中

The sun is chirping. the birds are shining.

太阳在叫 鸟儿发出了光芒

You can hear these little chirrupy chirps.


I thought I heard my two palomitas out here, chirping.


He could hear the breeze in the leaves and birds chirping.

他能听见微风拂过树叶 鸟儿发出鸣叫

Birds chirping, leaves rustling, gnats laying eggs.

啾啾的鸟鸣 瑟瑟的落叶 产卵的小虫

I'm going to enjoy not having to hear you chirping in my ear every day.

我会很享受 没有你每天在我耳边啰嗦