
音标/读音 [bai'pәulә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 有两极的, 双极的
[计] 双极性

a. of or relating to manic depressive illness
a. of, pertaining to, or occurring in both polar regions
a. having two poles



She was bipolar, or on drugs or whatever.

她有精神* 或是嗑药了之类的

But for someone who's bipolar, it's lifethreatening.

但对于患有双极情感障碍的人来说 这可是性命攸关的

I know it's not her fault she's bipolar.


Bipolar doesn't run in our family, dad.

躁郁癥不是我們家族遺傳 爸爸

Jess is bipolar and goes off her meds.

婕丝有躁郁症 还停了药

She's bipolar, and she refuses to take her meds.

她有躁郁症 而且还不愿意吃药

She turned 14, and all of a sudden she's bipolar.

她十四岁了 突然间她就有狂躁症了

Opening your door to a bipolar exhooker.


It could be bipolar disease like our mom.

可能得了躁郁症 跟我们妈妈一样

But it could be bipolar disease, like our mom.

但伊恩可能得了躁郁症 就跟我们妈妈一样