
音标/读音 ['pi:tsә]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 比萨饼

n. Italian open pie made of thin bread dough spread with a spiced mixture of e.g. tomato sauce and cheese



But not pizza, I can't do pizza again.

但别是披萨 我不能再吃了

I didn't order a pizza and I don't want a pizza.

我没有点披萨 也不想要

I don't want pizza. I don't want pizza.

我不想要披萨 我也不想要披萨

One slice of pizza, please. I'm out of pizza.

一片披萨 谢谢 没了

If you want to try pizza, I will make you a pizza.

如果你想要尝披萨 我会给你做

I've got pizza rolls for my pizza roll boys.


I ordered that pizza, and now I'm ordering you to bring me that pizza.

之前是我點的披薩 現在我點你幫我把披薩拿過來

One of the toppings on this pizza is just tinier pizzas.


Hello, cheese pizza topped with mini cheese pizzas.

你好 铺着迷你芝士披萨的芝士披萨

Listen, I'm just a pizza man with a pizza with double cheese.

我只是个外卖小哥 带着加了双层芝士的披萨