
音标/读音 ['gә:li]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 少女



You're on your own, girlie. I'm out.

你只能靠自己了 姑娘 我不干了

This is my ride and I'm paying for it, girlie.

这是我叫的车我付的钱 小姑娘

Five minutes and then I'm coming in, girlie.

五分钟后我就进来 姑娘

That's where he used to hide his girlie magazines when we were kids.

这是我们小时候 你藏*杂志的地方

Luke has never been into anything girlie ever.


I'm surprised that you could hear, girlie, with something being in your ear.

你居然还听得到 妹子 你耳朵里塞着东西呢

You almost gave me a heart attack, girlie.


You know, we haven't been blatantly girlie in a really long time.


but just be a good little girlie and keep quiet.

不过只要做个好的小女人 还有保持安静

I thought it was some secret inner girliness coming out after all these years.

我还以为是你隐藏多年的少女心 突然显现了