
音标/读音 [haul]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 嗥叫, 吠声, 号叫
vi. 狂吠, 咆哮, 呼啸
vt. 对...吼叫, 狂喊着说

n. a long loud emotional utterance
n. the long plaintive cry of a hound or a wolf
n. a loud sustained noise resembling the cry of a hound
v. emit long loud cries



You weren't the only one howling, as I recollect.


Maybe that's because you're howling him through a megaphone.


We're all born howling and then must rest.

我们都哭闹着来到世上 精疲力尽必须休息

And I hear him howl like he hurt himself.

我听到他嚎了一声 像是伤到了自己

and sees the moon and howls her name.

仰望着月亮 呼唤她的名字

Howl was the coyote in the park when we were kids.

在我们小时候 豪尔是公园里的一匹郊狼

And we're entitled to howl at the moon every once in a while.


I'm a sale*an with the howling bison brewing company.

我只是个销售员 我在咆哮野牛酿酒公司工作

Oh, speaking of which, they are all downstairs howling for a statement.

说起记者 他们都在楼下 等着我们发表声明呢

I do not need to find an answer because that is when they begin to howl.

但我并不需要回答了 因为就在那时 他们开始嚎叫了