
音标/读音 [retʃ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vi. 作呕, 反胃
vt. 呕吐
n. 反胃, 呕吐声

n an involuntary spasm of ineffectual vomiting
v eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth
v make an unsuccessful effort to vomit; strain to vomit



The retching and the hesitation right now.

你恶心干呕 还有你现在的犹豫

In both cases, the inflammation could have been caused by involuntary retching.

这两个案子里 发炎都有可能是由 无意识的干呕造成的

Uhbut at least you'll have a physician at hand when ye begin retching yer innards.

不过至少在你呕得连内脏都吐出来时 身边能有一位医生

Roses had always been my favorite flower, but soon they made me just want to retch.

玫瑰一直是我最喜欢的花 但没过多久 它们就使我想吐

Uh, sorry to destroy the touching moment with my retching, but we literally have a plane to catch.

抱歉我啰啰嗦嗦地打算这个感人的时刻 但我们真的要去赶飞机

Oh, and there's one in particular that's so grubby, even turds retch as they glide past him in the sewer.

哦 尤其是有一只特别肮脏 就连下水道的大便见到他都会吐

I'm actually kind of holding my breath slightly, cos if I breathe too deeply, I might retch.

我其实有点在屏气 因为要是吸气太深 我大概会吐出来

Uh, yeah, II don't want to retch in anyone's rations, but that's actually the only piece we've ever seen.

不是我扫你们的兴 但我们只有这么一块

Izzy, if there's one thing we miserable retches can do, it's make a party cheeseball that radiates with love.

伊兹 如果我们这些可悲的恶心人能做好一件事 那就是做一个满怀爱意的派对奶酪球

I float around the city bombarded by the *ells of guinea pigs like you who've been swayed to toxify themselves for corporate whoremongers, desensitizing your bodies to the odor, the filth, the retching stench of chemical consumption.

流转于这座城市 身边充盈着 你们这群豚鼠的气味 你们懦弱飘摇 淫浸在肮脏资本家的毒药里 在一片污秽与化学品的恶臭中 腐烂和麻木不仁