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◎ 单词释义

[计] 微笑符

n. an emoticon of a smiling face



Smiley face, *iley face, picture of a rainbow.

笑脸符 笑脸符 彩虹表情

Smiley face, *iley face with glasses, dynamite.

笑脸 戴眼镜的笑脸 炸药

I mean, for people that hate each other's guts, you were all *iley *iley.

你们两个似乎很高兴能见到彼此 你一直在笑

They make me tumtum all *iley, governor.

它们让我的肚肚都笑起来了 长官[雾都孤儿]

So let's not be these, like, *iley frenemies that backstab each other.

我们别保持那种面前微笑 背后捅刀 亦敌亦友的关系

I would be *iley face or lady in the bathtub.


We don't have time for *iley faces from your married paramour.

我们没时间给你的已婚情人 发什么笑脸表情了

Oh, go talk to your *iley girlfriend.


This bar completes the eyes on my *iley face.

这间酒吧画出了 我笑脸的第二只眼

Maybe you could paint a *iley face on her vagina.
