
音标/读音 [prәuz]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 散文
v. 写散文
a. 散文的, 平凡的

n. ordinary writing as distinguished from verse
n. matter of fact, commonplace, or dull expression



It's got brilliant prose, and she dies, then some more brilliant prose.

这本书里有优美的抒情 然后她死了 然后又是更多优美的抒情

I myself dabble in writing prose in my downtime.


His prose could use refinement but we get the point.

他的文笔有待改进 但意思却很明显

"I don't dare." It's like 19th century prose.

"我甚至没有勇气" 好像十九世纪的散文

Cheap theatrics can't make up for poor prose.


Let's skip the lifeless prose and get to the poetry.

让我们跳过这无趣的散文 直奔诗歌

There's an old adage that says that politicians campaign in poetry and govern in prose.

有句俗话说的好 *竞选靠诗歌 执*理靠散文

It, it, it, the kind of prose it's, it is written in, the immediacy of the language, the whole style of this, it feels like a real tectonic shift.

它 它 它 就像是散文写的 充满了语言的直接性 感觉像是大陆漂移般的转变

Look, you seem like a nice kid, and you write amazing prose, but for obvious reasons, this is not gonna work out.

听着 你看上去是个好孩子 你的情书写得十分动人 但由于显而易见的原因 我们和你是绝对没戏的