
音标/读音 [in'ɒpәrәbl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 不能动手术的
[医] 不能手术的, 不宜手术的

s. not able to perform its normal function
a. not suitable for surgery



All of the cameras in the building were inoperable.

查了大楼里的所有摄像头 都没找到他

It's inoperable, but she's refusing any other kind of treatment.

这没办法动手术 但她拒绝任何其他治疗

Dawn has a bleed on the brain. It's inoperable.

唐恩大脑出血 无法做手术

to render gabriel inoperable that got me thinking.

关闭了加布里尔 所以我想

Now, the magazine release on this gun it's inoperable.

这把枪的退弹匣.. 已经没用了

Warp and impulse engines are inoperable, sir.

曲速和脉冲引擎失灵 长官

From what I can see, it looks like it's inoperable from where it's located.

就病情来看 肿瘤所在的位置 没法做手术

The bullet caused a catastrophic brain injury, and it's inoperable.

子弹导致了致命性脑损伤 而且无法手术

In a matter of minutes, the entire facility will be inoperable.

只需要几分钟 整个工厂都将彻底停摆

But at least it's in a really interesting place, which makes it totally inoperable.

可是它位于一个很微妙的位置 根本无法动手术