
音标/读音 [in'edibl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 不适于食用的

a. not suitable for food



So, they make the food inedible, then they jack up the commissary.

所以他们把食物弄得没法吃 然后还哄抬物价

Perhaps you've noticed the food is inedible now.


...but I really need this stupid, inedible dessert.


just in case it's inedible. I'm sure it's gonna be great.

万一它难以下咽的话 我相信会很好吃

I mean, you replaced a stable food source with an inedible toy, so.

毕竟你把他们原本稳定的食物源 变成了不能吃的玩具

It's important not to cut the stomach, bladder or intestines because doing so could taint the meat and render it inedible.

很重要的一点是 不能切到胃 膀胱和肠子 否则会污染肉质 使它变得不可食用

Until you've tasted the food cooked by your mother, you'll never know what "Inedible" really means.

只有吃过*妈做的饭菜 才会了解"难以下咽"的真正含义

They were burrowing under the floors of the buildings, undermining the floor so the floor collapsed, making holes in the bags of food, and mucking and peeing in the food, making it inedible for the animals.

他们在建筑的地板下打洞 破坏地板导致地板塌陷 在粮食袋子上嗑洞 在粮食里大小便 弄得动物们都不吃