
音标/读音 ['wә:sn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 使更坏, 使恶化
vi. 变得更坏, 恶化

v. grow worse
v. make worse



She worsened so quickly, there was nothing we could do.

她恶化得太快了 我们无能为力

And if things worsen, there are other steps.

如果恶化了 需要其他治疗步骤

It's important that you don't stress out and that the situation doesn't worsen.

重点是不要过度劳累 以防病情恶化

He has been worsening progressively for three days.

情况逐渐恶化 已经三天了

We repair the aortic root before it worsens.


We treated him as best we could, but his condition is worsening.

我们尽量善待他了 但他的情况在恶化

His condition's worsening. I can see that.

他的情况越来越糟了 我能看出来

That's what a worsening of symptoms after immunotherapy would suggest.


It is my only hope to find a cure for his worsening condition.

他的身体每况愈下 这是治好他最后的办法了

If the situation worsens, we may be forced to step in.

如果情况恶化 我们可能要*介入