中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['kɒmən] 美 [ˈkɑmən]

a. 通常的, 共同的, 通俗的, 公共的
[计] 公用块

a. belonging to or participated in by a community as a whole; public
a. having no special distinction or quality; widely known or commonly encountered; average or ordinary or usual
s. common to or shared by two or more parties
s. commonly encountered


1. The only problem with common sense is that it's so... common.

常理唯一的问题就是 太普通了

2. a body sharing a common history, common values and a common memory, to which the price of admission is the surrender of self.

這個羣體有着共同的歷史 共同的價值觀和共同的記憶 加入它的代價就是放棄獨立的自我

3. just a common man with common thoughts.

就是个普通人 有普通的心思

4. Fraud's quite common. It's more common than anyone knows.

诈骗很普遍 比人们想的更加普遍

5. You and I come of common stock, and share a common hope, I think.

你我出身平凡 也有共同的希望

6. The common man over there is attempting to violently accost the other common man, sir.

那边有几个百姓 正视图用暴力对付另一个百姓 先生

7. Today is proof that we can unite, not against a common enemy, but for the common good.

今天证明了我们能够团结一致 不是为了对抗共同的敌人 而是为了共同的利益

8. Sometimes a dream can speak to a common people, unifying them in a common cause.

有时候梦会指引一些普通人 让他们为相同的目标而团结在一起

9. It connects you to a tribe of people you feel you might have something in common with or want to have something in common with.

它使你接触到 你感觉与之有共鸣的异域风情 或是你希望与之产生共鸣的异域风情

10. Two delivery rooms, four different maternity rooms, no common personnel and no common equipment.

2个产房 4个产后病房 没有公共人员 没有共用仪器



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

