
音标/读音 [ˌdɪsenˈfrænˌtʃaɪzd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

v. 剥夺…的选举权, 剥夺…的公民权, 终止…的特许权( disenfranchise的过去式和过去分词 )

a. deprived of the rights of citizenship especially the right to vote



You're a slave, disenfranchised don't even know it.

你只是奴隶 被剥夺了权利 自己还不知道

A disenfranchised army turns against its rulers.

被夺权的军队 反抗他们的统治者

Basically these men are completely disenfranchised.

基本上 这些人完全为社会所遗弃

I have always had a soft spot for the disenfranchised.


I'm here fighting on behalf of the downtrodden and the disenfranchised.

我来这里是代表受压迫 和被剥夺权利的人 为他们争取机会

We're talking about thousands of potentially disenfranchised voters.

我们说的可是 成千上万个被剥夺了权利的选民

It's rare, but soldiers become disenfranchised no matter what the nationality.

虽不常见 不过军人确实可能 背弃自己国家的公民权利

The story you told about being disenfranchised from your family, it all makes sense; they weren't your family at all.

你编造的所谓 被家人抛弃 全说得通了 因为他们根本不是你家人

Look, I'm sorry, but I founded this business to help disenfranchised women.

很抱歉 但我设立这生意 是想帮助弱势的女性

You've been helping my people navigate a legal system built to disenfranchise them.

你一直在帮我的人处理法律事务 使他们免于牢狱之灾