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◎ 单词释义

n. (Kieran)人名;(英)基兰



Kieran and I had our ups and downs, but we trusted each other.

我和基兰的关系有过起伏 但我们信任彼此

Kieran's been keeping this a secret for years.


Kieran is unstoppable on the dance floor.


Kieran is gonna call me first if he hears anything.

如果发现什么情况 基兰会打给我

Kieran will die because of me, and it will be a horrible death.

基兰会因我而死 而这会是非常可怕的死法

Kieran rolled into town on a rusty old cruiser after his daddy died 25 years ago.

25年前 基兰的父亲死后 他开着一辆破旧的汽车来到了这里

Kieran told me that the key leads to something that can be used against the supernaturals if we ever get too far out of line.

基兰告诉我那把钥匙 跟可以对付超自然生物的东西有关 如果我们做得太过分的话