
音标/读音 ['pæsidʒ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 通道, 通过, 移居, 航行, 一段, 走廊
vi. 通过, 经过, 航行, 横渡, 争吵
vt. (使)马以斜横步前进, 使传代

n. the act of passing from one state or place to the next
n. a section of text; particularly a section of medium length
n. a way through or along which someone or something may pass
n. a journey usually by ship



No passage between their world and ours.


Shouldn't you be embarking? I have a passage for you.

你不该登船了吗 我有登船证给你

We blocked the only narrow passage in.


If I'm right, it's all about where this passage is leading.

如果我没说错 答案就在这条通道的尽头

how you made the passage, what you saw.

你们是如何穿越的 见到了什么

She's indentured for the price of passage.


There's a safe passage because of the retreat.


I don't suppose you recall any of those passages.


It was all arranged, I had the ship passages.

一切都安排好了 船票也有

No. I've arranged your passage home.

对 我安排好了你回国的行程