
音标/读音 [kә'resiŋli]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 爱抚地, 亲切地

ad. In caressing manner.



She holds them, and she... caresses them because she knows that she will never caress her son ever again.

她抱着它们 抚摸它们 因为她知道她永远无法再次 抚摸到她儿子了

I'm caressing your face in a loving manner.

我在爱抚你的脸 来表示对你的钟爱

He arouses her by caressing her mouth parts.

雄性通过 爱抚雌性的口器激起它的情欲

And with that, she reached over and started to caress my breast.

说完 她就过来 开始爱抚我的胸部

He, like, caressed my hair and told me he likes me.

他抚摸着我的头发 告诉我他喜欢我

The man caresses you softly, pressing his lips to yours.

男人温柔地抚摸你 双唇紧紧贴着你

The way that you touched me, caressed me, made love to me.

你对我爱抚的方式 我们滚床单的姿势

And everyone can also see where you caressed by boob.


The pain of eternity and the sweet, wet caress of agony.

无止境的疼痛 还有那甜美的 粘稠的挣扎

They caress one another, cherishing their close bond.

它们互相轻抚 珍惜彼此间的亲密纽带