
音标/读音 [.di:'fju:z]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 去掉...的引信, 平息

v. remove the triggering device from



Patterson, we don't have time to defuse them all.

帕特森 我们没时间拆掉所有炸弹了

If you give me a chance to defuse this.


He's having a shit, not defusing a bomb.

他是在拉屎 又不是拆炸弹

Rocket is defusing the bomb as we speak.


If we're gonna defuse it, we're gonna have to do it together.

我们要想解除危机 就得齐心协力

And I'd have to defuse the biggest bomb ever.


Now, I've defused it, but the nitro is homemade.

雷管已经被我拆除了 但硝化甘油是自制的

So until that situation is defused, you're not going anywhere.

所以在这个情况缓和之前 你不能去任何地方

If there's a way to defuse these bombs, I can't find it.

如果有拆除这些炸弹的方法 我找不到

But I think there's only one way to defuse this situation.

但是看来要化解这僵局 就只剩一条路了