
音标/读音 [ri:'haiә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[法] 再雇用

v. t. To hire again.



I think that's the sound of me getting rehired.


I have a very fragile assistant that I need to rehire.


Joe, I'm going to need to be rehired.

乔 我需要你重新雇佣我

And the only term of your rehiring was a 10% increase in salary.

而且我记得回聘你的唯一条件 就是把你的工资上调10%

The fact that you don't know is exactly why you should rehire you lawyer.

你不知道为什么 正说明你应该重新雇佣你的律师

I did, but I'm going to keep working for free until she rehires me.

确实 但在她重新雇我前我会免费为她工作

So I read between the lines and decided that meant it was okay to rehire you.

我听出了言外之意 决定那意味着你可以回来工作了

Yeah, before you fired us and rehired us to do the exact same thing without ever noticing.

你连招呼都不打 就把我们解雇了 又重新聘回来做同一个项目

You fired and rehired me every couple of months, we were rarely on the same page, it was one crisis after the next.

你每幾個月就炒了我 然后又重新雇我 我們極少步調一致 一個危機接著一個

Yes, to convince him to rehire his lawyer, so it wouldn't look like we were colluding, which, ironically, we're now being accused of.

是的 去说服他再次雇佣他的律师 好让我们看起来不像是在串供 讽刺的是 现在正有人这么指责我们