
音标/读音 ['әupjәm]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 鸦片
[化] 阿片; 鸦片

n. an addictive narcotic extracted from seed capsules of the opium poppy



Hey, your crowd thinks opium should be the opium of the people.

嘿 那你们这群人还 支持用鸦片当*呢

This is the plant the heroine comes from, or opium, the opium poppies, and almost every prescription pain killer you have is based on the chemicals firstly isolated from this plant.

这种植物能提炼海洛因 或者说鸦片 也就是罂粟花 几乎所有处方止疼药都 基于最初从这种植物提取的化学成分

We're not here to interrupt your opium *uggling.


Barney, this here is opium and cyanide.

巴尼 这是鸦片和氰化物

Opium, and in the quantity that's illegal.

鸦片 这个剂量可是犯法的

It's like the opium den up there, isn't it.

上面就活脱一个鸦片窟 对吧

I've ever blacked out like that was from opium.

我这样不省人事 还是抽了鸦片

You, my friend, have been *oking too much opium.

我的朋友 你吸太多鸦片了

Look, here's one of our opium freighters.

你看 这是我们的一艘鸦片船

Marx defines it "the opium of the people".
