
音标/读音 ['pә:si]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 珀西(男子名)

n. United States writer whose novels explored human alienation (1916-1990)
n. English soldier killed in a rebellion against Henry IV (1364-1403)



Percy's code wouldn't work when that happened.


Percy's been a bit under the weather, ma'am.

珀西一直都有点不舒服 小姐

Percy is dead the minute he finishes that code.

编完那个代码 珀西就得死

Percy holds that secret on his little black boxes.


Percy's car was found in the woods a mile from here caught a screw in a tire.

在离这里几英里的树林里找到了珀西的车 轮胎被螺丝钉扎破了

Percy might take everything too seriously, and some things are meant to be just fun.

珀西会把一切太当真 而有些事本该只是找找乐子

Percy's election code took advantage of a tenth of a second gap in vote reporting, and the cons are forcing him to change it to siphon money.

选举事件中 珀西的代码 利用了0.1秒的数据传送漏洞 那帮人在逼他改程序捞钱