
音标/读音 ['kɑ:pintri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 木工手艺, 木工业, 木器

n. the craft of a carpenter: making things out of wood



We switched it out with basic carpentry and plumbing.


Problematic joins are fixed with intricate ice carpentry.


She was a teacher's aide, and he did odd jobs landscaping and carpentry.

她是一名助教 他打零工 园艺和木工

Laboring, a bit of carpentry, a bit of plumbing now and again.

做苦力 干一点木匠的活儿 铺铺管道

I took building maintenance, electrical, plumbing, carpentry.

我上了建筑维护课 电气课 管道课 木工课

This is someone who is good at computers and locks and carpentry; that's how he was able to do this.

这个人电脑技术很高 且擅长开锁 以及木工 所以他才能做到这些事

Papa was a good man and you know it, the carpentry shop was his life.

我爸爸是个好人 你知道的 木匠店就是他的生命

Oh, you mean that whole master carpentry thing, yeah.

你是说木工大师那些啊 没错

Now, just like carpentry, measure twice, cut once.

像做木工一样 看准了下刀 一刀到位

He was allowed a certain amount of honest labour, making chairs, carpentry, mending shoes.

他可以做一些体力活 比如造椅子 当木匠 修鞋子