
音标/读音 ['detә]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 债务人, 借主, 借方
[法] 负债者, 债务人, 借方

n. a person who owes a creditor; someone who has the obligation of paying a debt



Because the debtor would then be at our mercy.

因为这样 借贷者就要任凭我们摆布

You're not the first gentleman I've sent to the debtors' prison.


We lose everything we own and I go to debtors' prison.

我们会失去一切 我会被关进债务人监狱

And if the debt isn't paid, they'll take you to the debtors' prison.

如果还不清债务的话 他们就要把你关进债务人监狱

She'll be locked in the debtors' jail within this hour.


Narcotics, the alcohol, gamblers, debtors, the sexaholics.

* 酒精 赌博 借债 性瘾

I have a mistress in debtors jail, as you well know.

我有个情人关在债务人监狱里 你知道的

He had no normal business there, so perhaps he was looking for one of his debtors.

他在那没有什么正常的生意 所以他可能是去那找债务人

Call me what you like, coward, debtor, liar, cheat.

你管我叫什么都行 胆小鬼 欠债人 撒谎精 大骗子

and, it pains me now to say it, our lot as an insolvent flock of debtors.

这话我说出来还真难受 我们许多人都会变成债权人的破产羔羊