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◎ 单词释义

n. 颠簸;震摇;顿挫

n an abrupt spasmodic movement
v pull, or move with a sudden movement
v move with abrupt, seemingly uncontrolled motions
v make an uncontrolled, short, jerky motion
v jump vertically, with legs stiff and back arched
v throw or toss with a quick motion
s lacking a steady rhythm



I'm jerking... I'm jerking off to you.

我在打飞机 但是我是在想着你啊

I was I was a selfish jerk back then, and I surrounded myself with other selfish jerks, and basically just spent my life jerking people around.

我当时确实是个自私的* 我周围的朋友也都是自私的* 我原来的人生基本就是在玩弄别人

Most people are jerks already, and it's not like giving a jerk a gun and telling him it's okay to kill people suddenly turns that jerk into a hero.

很多人本来就是* 给他一把枪 告诉他 你可以去杀人了 然后*就变成英雄了吗

You know, maybe one of those jerks isn't a jerk.

你知道 也许那些*并不全是*

Well, he's a jerk my jerk so I'm really, really sorry.

他是个* 我的* 我真的 真的很抱歉

And if it is, he's a jerk, and you shouldn't be with him.

如果是的话 他就是个* 你不该和他在一起

He was a jerk back in high school, which means he's a jerk today.

他高中时候就是个* 意味着现在也是

I mean, yeah, you did make me feel like a jerk, but I kinda was being a jerk.

没错 你的确让我觉得自己是个* 但我也的确是个*

...acted like a jerk, and, you know, as you know and as you'll tell people, I'm not a jerk.

表现得像个* 你知道我不是个* 你也会这么告诉别人

Jesse, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually glad you hid my shrink ray, because today I learned that people are only jerks when you're a jerk to them.

杰茜 真不敢相信我会这么说 但我真的很高兴你把我的缩小射线枪藏起来了 因为今天我学到了 只有当你对他人满怀恶意时 人们才会对你恶意相向