
音标/读音 ['tєәdaun]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 拆卸



Still here. It's a total teardown.

还有味道 都翻了个底朝天了

Could be black mold. It's a total teardown, if so.

可能是黑霉 那可得大翻拆了

It's pretty much a teardown. I can't believe it.

就是个待拆房屋了 我不相信

Without those children, your clients would still be slumming it in a twobedroom teardown.

没有那些孩子 你的客户还苟活在 一间两居室拆迁房里呢

Obviously, I do a lot of teardowns and redevelopment, but, you know, even still.

当然 我做很多拆卸和再发展 但即使这样还是很讨厌