
音标/读音 [.æmju'niʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 军火, 弹药
[机] 弹药

n. projectiles to be fired from a gun
n. any nuclear or chemical or biological material that can be used as a weapon of mass destruction
n. information that can be used to attack or defend a claim or argument or viewpoint



We don't have our jackets or ammunition.


He's out there with guns and ammunition.

他现在行踪不明 有枪有弹

The artillery has no powder, no ammunition.

大炮没有火药 没有炮弹

There's no telling what he'd do with that kind of ammunition.

我们没法预知 他掌握了把柄会干出什么

...we didn't have ammunition, it was cold, didn't have any clothes.

也没有弹药 天气严寒 我们却没有冬装穿

My primary weapon was out of ammunition.


He had no idea where I was getting the ammunition.


We don't have enough time... or ammunitions.

我们没有足够多的时间 或是弹药

And we're not exactly wellstocked with guns or ammunition.


We don't have enough time or ammunition to argue about this.
