
音标/读音 ['wɒ:ti]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 有疣的, 多疣的, 似疣的
[医] 有疣的, 疣状的

s (of skin) covered with warts or projections that resemble warts



It's not very pleasant on its own, kind of warty and...elastic.

单独的麸质可不怎么好看 疙疙瘩瘩的 还有伸缩性

He's probably some warty old dude and lives with his mother.

他可能个浑身是疣的老头 和*生活在一起

Nah, that's just your worry wart flapping its warty mouth again.

不用 这又是你的不安在作祟

You are far too pretty, not to mention sweet, to marry such a warty old man.

你那么漂亮 更别说那么善良 那个恶心的老男人配不上你

He's probably some warty old dude, who has a beer belly or suit socks and lives with his mother.

他可能个浑身是疣的老头 有啤酒肚 或者穿着正装袜 和*生活在一起