
音标/读音 ['fʌsi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 易怒的, 爱挑剔的, 难取悦的, 易烦恼的

s annoyed and irritable
s overcrowded or cluttered with detail
s exacting especially about details



I don't know why he's being so fussy.


I don't know why she's so fussy today.


And he's very fussy about his desk, as you know.

还有 你知道的 他对他的桌子非常挑剔

You're a very fussy and ungrateful girl.

你这女孩真是挑剔 还不懂感恩

Lots of people more important than me aren't too fussy who.


Well, they're pretty clean. I'm not fussy.

我的鞋挺干净 我没那么挑剔

I mean, ??we we have a set schedule, and, um, she's been fussy.

我是说 我们已经安排好了时间 而且她有点闹人

I'm the fussy customer, and he slathers butter on my biscuit.

我是爱挑剔的客人 而他会来我的"小饼干"上涂"奶油"

When it comes to choosing a mate, females are very fussy.

选择配偶时 雌蝇十分挑剔

'and I'm quite fussy about the pastry no surprises there.

而且我对面团也很挑剔 这不奇怪