
音标/读音 [in'stiŋktʃuәl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 本能的



Because by its very nature it is instinctual, impulsive and unpremeditated.

因为它从本质上讲就是本能的 冲动的 偶然的

They prey on our instinctual need to survive.


Well survival isn't logical it's instinctual.

求生和逻辑无关 而是本能

I think it's instinctual. I wake up at least once a night.

我以为这是本能 我每晚至少会醒一次

Phil starts a move, and I instinctually complete it.

菲尔开始跳 我就本能地完成了

And the unsub's probably too chari*atic to set off any instinctual alarms.

嫌犯可能有着 能让人放松警惕的魅力

You instinctually grasp what lies behind a person's desires and longing.

你能靠直觉捕捉到 他人的*和渴求

He was playing with these sugar cubes, and instinctually started playing mancala with them.

他当时在玩方糖 接着本能地就用方糖玩起了非洲棋

The piano was something that he instinctually fell absolutely in love with and yet it was very demanding.

他几乎是出于本能地 爱上了钢琴 然而学习钢琴并非易事

It's instinctual to find a quick, welllit journey from your parked car to the door.

你本能就会选择一条 从车到店门口最快捷和光线好的路线