
音标/读音 ['ledʒәbli]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 易读地, 明了地

r. in a legible manner



Yes, but it's barely legible because of the burning.

有 但因为它烧过不容易看懂

and make it legible so you guys can edit it.

弄成你们看得清的 好让你们进行修改

For a big doctor, his handwriting is super legible.

对一个医生来说 他的字迹太工整了

in which men's body leave very legible writing.


Some fragments survived sufficiently for the print to be legible.

部分残片的保存程度 足以辨认墨迹内容

Supported by evidence and legible handwriting, amen.

论据充足 并有清晰醒目的字体 阿门

You'll see their signatures are very legibly indicated on lines 11 and 12.

你会在第11行和第12行 清楚地看见他们的签名

Well, of course, 'cause if you use the clear ones, it's not legible on a dark surface.

当然 如果你用透明背景 在黑色的表面就看不出来字了