
音标/读音 ['kɑ:vә]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 卡瓦胡椒, 卡瓦酒
[医] 卡法根, 麻醉椒(根和根茎)

n. an alcoholic drink made from the aromatic roots of the kava shrub



I think it all started when I, uh, questioned her about the kava kava.

我觉得一切是从 我问她卡瓦卡瓦的事时开始的

I had a salad for dinner and my usual cup of kava kava before bed.

我晚餐吃了沙拉 *前像往常喝了杯卡瓦卡瓦

It also means I didn't have to take kava root, so I didn't get hypereosinophilic gastroenteritis.

同时我也不用服用卡法根 所以我没得嗜酸性胃肠炎