
音标/读音 [skript]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 手迹, 手稿, 正本, 手写体
vt. 改编为演出本
[计] 手写体, 小型程序

n. a written version of a play or other dramatic composition; used in preparing for a performance
n. a particular orthography or writing system
v. write a script for



And oh, and that script, I read that script this afternoon.

还有剧本 我下午看了剧本

So you expect me to overhaul my script, a script the studio was fine with buying asis.

所以你就要我大改剧本 制片厂明明愿意原封不动地买下它

The telemetry was programmed to follow a script, but the script couldn't account for every realworld variable.

遥测程序被篡改了 运行脚本无法根据 现实情况进行调节

But then we stopped traveling and I was faced with the reality of having to turn my seven minute script into an 80 minute script.

但后来我们就没再继续旅行了 我必须要面对现实 要把7分钟的剧本 扩充成80分钟的剧本

Could not have scripted it better myself.


You dick, that wasn't in the script.

* 脚本里可没这么写

All you have to do is stick to the script.


I can't produce a script I don't own.


It is not a stunt! It is not in the script.

这不是特技 剧本里没有这段

It's not about the script, which is perfect.

不是剧本的问题 剧本很完美