
音标/读音 [gɒb]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 凝块, 水兵
vi. 吐, 啐

n. a lump of slimy stuff



Jonesy was gobbing all over the stage and he *ing gobbed at me.

琼斯就开始满舞台吐唾沫 还朝我吐

But they'll be out there anyway, gobbing off.


Take that wistful look off your gob.


Judging by the evidence, I've certainly got a gob.

现在看来 我肯定是个话唠

Of course he's the black*ith, ye great gob.

他当然是铁匠了 你个蠢货

There's no option but to accept the fact people will gob on you.

你别无选择 只能接受别人喷的吐沫

You wear those clothes, and you drink snakebites, and you vomit all over the place, and you gob.

你穿着这些衣服 喝着蛇伤酒 然后吐得到处都是 然后还吐口水

I got good friends, gobs of meat, and a boatload of delicious alcohol.

我有兄弟 有肉吃 还有美酒喝

My first post, the local tribe*en honored a guest by cleaning his teacup with a gob of spit.

我第一次外派时 看到一个当地部落的人招待客人 用唾液帮客人洗茶杯

I am making hardtack, boiled salt pork, and because it's a special day, a chewable gob of tree sap.

我要做压缩饼干 盐煮猪肉 因为是特殊的日子 还要做可嚼式树汁块