
音标/读音 ['britәni]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 布列塔尼(法国西北部一地区)

n a former province of northwestern France on a peninsula between the English Channel and the Bay of Biscay



Brittany, I have to tell you something.

布里特妮 我得跟你说件事

Brittany to attack her neighbor, that's all.

攻击她的邻居的因素 仅此而已

Brittany won't be in a position to stand against him.


Brittany doesn't count 'cause I was in love with her.

布里特妮不算数 因为我爱她

Brittany is helping me with this month's rent.


Brittany, I can promise you this, you're safe here.

布兰妮 我向你保证 你在这里是安全的

Brittany, her mail got mixed up with mine.

布兰妮 她的信和我的混在一起了

Brittany is my exgirlfriend, and she just dumped me, which is why I'm even here and why I have this job.

布里特妮是我的前女友 不过她刚甩了我 所以我才在这呆着唬弄小孩儿玩

Brittany was telling tales, a naughty little liar.

淘气的布莱尼瞎说 撒谎

Brittany, thank you, uh, you got my number, I won't be long.

布列塔尼 麻烦你了 有事打号码 我马上就回来