
音标/读音 [li'tidʒәs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 好诉讼的, 好争论的
[法] 关于诉讼的, 可引起诉讼的, 好诉讼的

a. of or relating to litigation



I'm sorry, but this is a litigious society.

抱歉 如今这社会动不动就告上法庭

Yeah, he was a rapacious, litigious landlord.

是啊 他是贪婪的 矫情的地主

I'm a litigious busines*an, and I need a coffee to go.

我是个好打官司的商人 我想要杯咖啡

I'm a respected member of a highly litigious community.


When you work in the legal profession, the people you rub shoulders with tend to be a little litigious.

当你在法律界工作 那些跟你有点头之交的人都不怎么好对付啊

Suppose that we, with our talents, inhabited not our society, technologically advanced, highly litigious, but a hunting society, or a warrior society.

假如我们拥有这些天赋 但是却生活在一个技术落后 没有法律制约的狩猎社会 或者战争社会里