
音标/读音 ['spәukspә:sn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 发言人, 代言人

n. an advocate who represents someone else's policy or purpose



I'd really like to be your spokesperson.


Susan took it upon herself to become his spokesperson.


A spokesperson said the police are zeroing in on a suspect.


That's a shame, 'cause I could be the spokesperson for wasting time.

真是遗憾 我可是浪费时间的代言人

Victoria, we are so excited here at paleo vodka to have you as our spokesperson.

维多利亚 我们古伏特加公司真的很高兴 请到你做我们的代言人

We need to build our campaign around the search of a spokesperson.

我们需要一个代言人 帮我们宣传

And while you're out with him, ask him to make me the new spokesperson for people feeding people.

你跟他约会的时候 顺便请他让我做"人喂饱人"项目的代言人

What we really need is a spokesperson that will make it cool by association.

我们只需要请一个代言人 通过名人代言创造产品魅力

Alistair would be both spokesperson for the foundation and manage their global press and publicity.

阿利斯泰尔将是基金会的发言人并负责 全球的媒体和公关事务

to the extent I can rely on you to serve as my spokesperson in these matters, I would be relieved.

如果你能来做我在这些问题上的发言人 我能减轻许多负担