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◎ 单词释义

adv. 坚固, 坚实, 一致, 始终如一, 连贯
[计] 相容地

r in a systematic or consistent manner



No, a chef should strive to be consistent in experience, but not consistent in taste. It's like sex.

错 厨师应该始终如一地体验新东西 而不是让菜的味道始终如一 好比*

We show a very consistent, very steady, predictable income from lot to lot, consistent with several urban volume factors.

记录了一致 稳定 可预测的收入 来自各个停车场 符合一些城市容量的因素

No, 'cause you can't do it consistently.

没 你又不能一直这样做

His ambitions are not consistent with my own.


If we're being consistent, then I should be fired.

如果我们要贯彻一致性的话 我也该被解雇

In order for the data to be consistent.


This is consistent with everything you've told me about her.

從你告訴我的事中 我早就聽出來了

And I should know. I'm a consistent pourer.

我清楚得很 因为喝光了我会续杯

It's more consistent with the blade of a knife.


My symptoms are consistent with an ulcer.
