
音标/读音 ['letis]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 莴苣, 生菜, 纸币
[医] 莴苣

n. any of various plants of the genus Lactuca
n. leaves of any of various plants of Lactuca sativa



That's lettuce caught in a spider's web.


It's not mistletoe, just cherries and lettuce.

那不是槲寄生 只是樱桃和莴苣

And I didn't think the lettuce had spoiled, but it did spoil.

我以为生菜没坏 但它的确坏了

I've been cutting lettuce and polishing turnips.

我一直在切生菜 洗大头菜

And I got his lettuce and tomato on white.


I bet they have fresh lettuce in the back.


Lettuce, tomato this is a regular one also.

有莴苣和番茄 这也是个标配汉堡

Henbane, bark of mandrake and juice of lettuce.

莨菪 曼德拉草皮和莴苣汁

Ben has a ham and mustard sandwich no lettuce.

本会点一个火腿芥末三明治 不加生菜

And the fact that they don't use lettuce and tomato, it's a celebration of what isn't.

他们还不用生菜和番茄 拥抱不均衡饮食