
音标/读音 ['bænistә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 栏杆的支柱, 楼梯的扶栏

n a railing at the side of a staircase or balcony to prevent people from falling



He grabbed the banister and then let go.

他抓紧了栏杆 释放了出来

Hopped that yellow banister and then disappeared.


'cause he got his head stuck in a banister.


Oh, I loved the part where you got your head caught in the banister.

我特喜欢 你脑袋卡栏杆里那一段

34 per cent of prebreakfast accidents involve banisters.


We used to slide down this banister, the three of us, and I was always the champion.

以前我们经常从楼梯扶手上滑下来 我们三个人 赢的总是我

Suppose we could slide down the banister, which would be quicker, though less dignified.

我们倒可以从栏杆上滑下去 会快一点 但这样做有点丢人

I er... I hit him with a cricket bat and he cracked his head on the banister when he fell.

我用板球棒打了他 他摔倒時被欄桿撞到頭

Left me waiting in that sitting room for you to come home and put your coat over the banister.

你让我在客厅等你回家 你的外套还挂在栏杆上

Maybe if you can shift your weight off your heels onto the banister, just maybe you can make it through one more dance.

假如能把高跟鞋承受的重量 轉移到欄桿上 這樣你也許還能撐著再跳一支舞