
音标/读音 ['ju:ltaid]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 圣诞季节

n period extending from Dec. 24 to Jan. 6



Okay, they're not doing yuletide a cappella.

好吧 这可不是无伴奏的表演啊

We had book club and yuletide a cappella.


Yeah, in our family, we don't really do any of the yuletide festivities.

在我们家 我们不做任何和冬季庆典有关的庆祝

He was giving all of us in the yuletide economic niche a bad name.


Hey, so we figured we'd call and wish you a little yuletide cheer.

我们觉得应该打个电话 给你带来圣诞祝福

Looks like it's destined to become one of the yuletide season's genuine standards.

似乎这注定要成为 圣诞季真正的标准之一了