
音标/读音 ['ɒnslɒ:t]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 突击, 猛击, 猛攻

n. a sudden and severe onset of trouble



I contended daily with her lustful onslaughts.


Desperately avoiding an onslaught of love from my mom.


After facing so many trials, defending ourselves against onslaught.

经历过众多审判 在各种打击前捍卫彼此

Because this place is a malevolent hellmouth, and all who pass through it are complicit in an ongoing ecological onslaught.

因为这地方是个恶毒的地狱之口 所有经过的人 都是一起正在持续的生态冲击中的同谋

The first sign will be a gentle breeze followed by a merciless onslaught.

第一个迹象是一阵微风 然后是无情的*

You sigh into the onslaught of identical days, one might as well, at a time.

你哀叹一成不变的日子接踵而至 一次一样不行吗

Amidst the onslaught of these faceless monstrosities, we must make a stand to preserve our history.

在这些神秘怪物的猛烈进攻之下 我们必须坚定信念 守护我们的历史

No one would have thought it possible that a single body could survive such a devastating onslaught of destruction, but they did.

没有人会怀疑一个人 受了如此的枪击还能活下来 但是他们活下来了

Every unclean spirit, every satanic power, every onslaught of the infernal adversary.

所有不洁的灵魂 所有撒旦的力量 所有地狱的攻击

Well, my divorce is straight up harrowing at this point, and... the last six months of my life have been an onslaught of personal failure and, uh... other people's misery.

到目前为止 我的离婚已经让我心力交瘁 这过去的六个月 简直是我人生的低谷 也让别人痛苦不堪