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◎ 单词释义

[化] 内啡肽

n. a neurochemical occurring naturally in the brain and having analgesic properties



I love it when those endorphins kick in.


While looking, there's, uh, an endorphin rush.

在寻找的过程中 体内会分泌内啡肽

I do actually feel the endorphins kicking in.


Some people are more open and forthcoming when their endorphins are flowing.

有些人在内啡肽分泌的时候 会更加开放 更加坦率

It's been shown to block the action of painlowering endorphins.

它已被证明会阻断 降低疼痛的内啡肽发挥作用

Right now endorphins are flooding your body.


Uh, no, you know, I prefer carcinogens to endorphins.

比起脑内啡[运动后产生的荷尔蒙] 我更喜欢致癌物

I was just starting to feel the endorphins vibrating in my spleen.

我刚觉得脾里的内啡素 开始活跃起来了

It should be noted that if there were an endorphin test, these two would score through the roof.

值得一提的是 如果要测试内啡肽 这两个人的内啡肽含量高到破表

Nothing like a win to get the endorphins flowing.
