
音标/读音 ['wɒ:kaut]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 罢工, 退席, 恋爱关系
[经] 罢工

n. a strike in which the workers walk out
n. the act of walking out (of a meeting or organization) as a sign of protest



This is about the nurses and the walkout.


I never thanked you for what you did at the walkout.

你在罢课*时所做的事 我一直都没谢过你

A girl got separated from her inhaler during the walkout.


I staged a walkout, all right, to get more pizza days.

组织过一次* 要求有更多的披萨日

I know it wasn't easy getting your coworkers to join in on your little walkout.

我知道要 让你的同事都加入你的罢工 并不是简单的事

I need to tell him that the hospitalwide walkout was authorized just now for today.

我要告诉他今天的全院罢工刚被批准了 我要告诉他今天的全院罢工刚被批准了

Yeah, you've been really proactive ever since the walkout got national coverage.

自从*被全国报道后 你就非常有行动力

I was actually thinking about staging a walkout against the Iraq war, if you felt like joining.

其实我在考虑搞罢工反对伊拉克战争 你想的话可以来参加

Oh, well, uh, the student walkout, uh, discontent from the teachers, a number of complaints that you're uninterested in the opinions of others and di*issive of their concerns.

好吧 學生罷課 教師們的不滿 諸多投訴 關于你不在乎別人的看法 輕視他人的擔憂

Following a teacher walkout that began ten days ago, state lawmakers finally passed a new education budget bill providing, on average, a $3,000 raise for teachers statewide.

随着十天前的教师罢工 州议员们终于通过了一项新的教育预算法案 给全州教师提供平均三万元的涨薪