
音标/读音 ['tәufu:]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 豆腐

n cheeselike food made of curdled soybean milk



No, I think that's the tofu lasagna.

不 那个应该是豆腐千层面

Then I would go with the tofu kimchi quesadilla.


She's supercute and has the best tofu paneer.

她人特别好 做的印度豆腐奶酪最好吃了

Well, if I was really nice, I would have ordered the tofu.

如果我真心善良 就应该点豆腐

I got to admit tofu was kind of interesting.

不得不承认 豆腐挺好吃的

I'll just throw some tofu steaks on the grill.


I'm living on *ing tofu, but I'm eating leftovers at the club.

我*现在都靠吃豆腐过活了 也就偶尔在酒吧吃点剩饭

When it gets to you, say something short and boring about tofu.

轮到你时 就简单说点关于豆腐的无聊故事

Oh, lover, I'm tossing you a 24ounce tofu steak.

亲爱的 我这料绝对能喂饱你

No one's even noticed that the catfish is actually tofu.
