
音标/读音 ['bәuvain]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 牛的;似牛的;迟钝的

n. any of various members of the genus Bos
a. of or relating to or belonging to the genus Bos (cattle)
s. dull and slow-moving and stolid; like an ox



This is hardly charity, you're charging us a fortune for those bovines.

这也不是什么善举 这些牛可要花我们好大一笔钱

He'll knock a broadarse bovine on her side without a second thought.

把大*奶牛一下子推倒 都不会犹豫

They cut out the tumor, replace any damaged heart muscle with bovine patches.

他们切除肿瘤 用牛心包补片取代受损的心肌

I found them staring at me in a kind of bovine stupor as if I were lecturing in a foreign language.

我发现他们神情呆滞 精神恍惚地盯着我 仿佛我在用外语上课

Your neurology department loaned me a culture of prions for my research on bovine spongiform encephalopathy.

你们神经科学部门借了我朊病毒培养箱 来协助我牛海绵状脑病的研究

A gradual course of bovine hormones should shock your body into creating the proper environment for the fetus.

在食用牛科类动物激素的过程中 应该会*你的身体 创造出 适合胎儿存活的环境

But that supply train is packed bogie motors, bovine cultures, a full genetics lab.

但是那辆补给列车上有很多 转向车发动机 牛培养菌 一个完整的基因实验室

So if your entire herd were to be wiped out by some kind of a... bovine holocaust, you'd receive $2.68 million, give or take.

那如果你所有的牛 因為某種原因全部死掉 你將獲得約兩百六十八萬元的賠款

William asked the farmer to fetch the yogurt and volunteers my services to sweet talk some milk out of this bashful bovine.

威廉请求那个农夫去取酸奶 并且主动提出 由我接手给这头害羞的水牛挤奶